Sarin Clinic

Lip Enhancement with Dermal Fillers in London

Injectable Lip Enhancement involves the precise placement of Dermal Fillers into parts of the lip and surrounding skin in order to enhance, shape, or add volume to the lips and to reduce surrounding wrinkles. Lip Fillers enhance the natural beauty of younger lips as well as restore the plump, sensuous look that is lost with age in both men and women. Lip Fillers also add balance and symmetry to uneven lips and create harmony between the lips and other facial features.

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Injectable Lip Enhancement involves the precise placement of Dermal Fillers into parts of the lip and surrounding skin in order to enhance, shape, or add volume to the lips and to reduce surrounding wrinkles.
Lip Fillers enhance the natural beauty of younger lips as well as restore the plump, sensuous look that is lost with age in both men and women. Lip Fillers also add balance and symmetry to uneven lips and create harmony between the lips and other facial features.
Patients requesting Lip Fillers come from all age groups. As we get older the lips age with the rest of the face resulting in thinning of the lips, appearance of tiny vertical lines, flattening of the graceful cupid’s bow of the upper lip, together with the upper lip lengthening and hanging over the teeth.
Others may have been born with thinner lips, and simply want a more defined cupid’s bow and greater lip volume to balance the other features of their face.
Injectable Lip Enhancement involves the precise placement of Dermal Fillers into parts of the lip and surrounding skin in order to enhance, shape, or add volume to the lips and to reduce surrounding wrinkles.
Lip Fillers can enhance the natural beauty of younger lips as well as restore the plump, sensuous look that is often lost with age in both men and women. Lip Fillers can also add balance and symmetry to uneven lips, creating harmony between the lips and facial features.
Our Doctors understand that often the greatest fear of patients seeking lip enhancement is an overdone, unnatural result. We reassure our patients that we too find such a look unacceptable. Results will appear natural and not overdone.
Creating the perfect lips often involves much more than just increasing their size. Care and attention must also be given to the surrounding skin, such as filling the fine lines that appear above and below the lip, lifting the corners of the mouth that can sag with age, or correcting the “nose to mouth” lines that commonly appear to frame the mouth at either end. Neglecting these complementary enhancements can lead to an imbalance in the overall harmony between lips and face.

First we need to find out what you want to achieve. Following this, we’ll give you a frank and honest appraisal of what is possible given the raw material with which you were born. We take photos so that we can monitor your results over time. We supply numbing as needed. This may be a numbing cream or an injection as at the dentist, or both, although some fillers are now premixed with local anaesthetic and are comfortable enough without additional anaesthesia for many patients.
The procedure generally takes about 30 minutes. After the procedure the lips may appear a bit swollen for 3-5 days and it is best to plan ahead before a special date or event. We advise the use of an ice pack on the lips post treatment to reduce swelling and chances of bruising.
The Dermal Fillers we use are soft, clear, biodegradable Hyaluronic Acid (HA) gels that occur naturally in the body’s joints and skin such as Juvederm, Emervel and Restylane. These gels binds with water molecules once injected into the lips, which means they moisturise as well as plump the lips. No pre-treatment allergy testing is required with these naturally occurring lip fillers. Dr Parekh will discuss which product is best suited to you, depending on the desired outcome at consultation.
With ageing, gravity takes its toll and the corners of the mouth begin to sag and turn downward, leaving a persistent dour expression. Dermal Fillers can help turn the corners up, instantly creating a happier more positive expression. Happier, but not “Joker-like”. Subtle artistry is the sign of an excellent cosmetic lip treatment.


The results with Injectable Lip Fillers are temporary because the body eventually breaks down and absorbs the filler. The length of time results last varies between individuals and depends on the filler used. Approximately 6-9 months can be anticipated for most patients.
Though lip filling is a low risk procedure, your reaction is individual. The risks of lip enhancement are those associated with any injection of the skin and include redness, bruising, swelling, minor discomfort, tenderness, and infection. Occasionally, lip enhancement may cause cold sores to reappear, in which case anti-viral medication may be prescribed.
Most patients at Avanti Aesthetics will resume their daily activities after treatm